Saturday, August 31, 2013

(1V) What is Inquiry?

Inquiry: a seeking or request for truth, information, or knowledge.

I define inquiry as a way of observing information, such as facts, opinions, predictions, etc. Inquiry is kind of like a language to us. Us humans tend to wonder about a lot of things that life brings us. And in order to get our questions answered we need lots of information and knowledge. Inquiry is actually involved in our lives everyday. We use inquiry when we are making decisions, asking questions, and gathering information.

When I first got my schedule and saw that one of my classes was "Inquiry" I wasn't quite sure what I would be learning in the class. Then after realizing that all of the freshman were in a Inquiry class I assumed that it was a pretty important class. After having my first inquiry class I learned that inquiry is a meaningful class because it is part of our lives. As I said earlier, Inquiry is part of our everyday lives so I am excited to learn more about it! 

New Vocabulary:

Responsibility: the ability or authority to act or decide on one's own, without supervision

Now that I am a college student I have to make choices on my own. For example when I have a lot of work to do I am going to have to manage my time well and not procrastinate.

Point of View: a particular attitude or way of considering a matter.

In my media class we are looking at different advertisements and discussing them in class. We talk about each advertisement from our own point of view.

Friday, August 30, 2013

(1I) Better way to Focus

#25. Find a quiet place on campus that is a good place to study if your home or dorm is too loud.

When I am home and I have lots of work and studying to do I like to go into my room and study with no distractions. I tend to get distracted very easily which i’m sure many teenagers do. For example if I am in the living room doing homework and my sisters were around I would end up blowing off my homework and do something with them. So I realized that the best way for me to concentrate is to be in a quiet area

Now that I am at college and I share a room with my roommate I get distracted sometimes when I am trying to get my work done. I came to the conclusion that I should go to the library when I am trying to concentrate. Everyone knows that the library is always quiet and there are no distractions. So from now on, when I have a lot of work to do I just head over to the library where it is nice and quite and I get my work done a lot easier.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

(1B) Blogging Style

To be honest, I am still not entirely sure how to use blog. The first time I tried to post a blog I had no idea what I was doing. But am am actually starting to get the hang of it and I kind of know what I am doing.  After doing some research, blogging is a little more interesting to me now.  It is actually kind of cool looking at peoples blogs and seeing what they have to say. Some peoples blogs are very creative and have cool designs and some are plain which is fine.I haven't finished setting up my blog but when I get better at using Blogger I want to make my page more creative.

The first blog I saw was This blog was actually very interesting to me because  it was a women named Kelly Saks talking about how she got into the fashion industry.  I think I would have enjoyed it more if it actually talked about fashion but it was interesting reading about how she contributes to fashion. I tend to read stuff that pop out to me, for example, lots of colors and pictures. I like when people put some pictures in their blog instead of just writing.

I still need to play around a little to figure out exactly how to make my blog.  I am probably going to have to continue researching about blogging to understand it better. But when I continue to make my blog I am going to try to make it more appealing and put lots of pictures in it to make it look interesting. I want to make sure it is appealing but kind of simple at the same time. I am excited to use blog because it seems like a cool way to write about yourself or what is going on in your life.

A New Beginning

(1A) What is College?

College is a place for people to go after finishing High School. It is supposed to help students get a degree. I believe that college also prepares us for the future, teaches us what it is like to be on your own, and is a place to start a new life and meet new people.

Some teenagers are excited to go to college and some are nervous about going to college.  I, on the other hand was a little bit of both. I was excited to have more freedom and make new friends but I was nervous to be on my own and to not have my mom around whenever I needed something. The first 4 days of college went well and I met a lot of new people.  The night before the first day of classes was when all the nerves started to kick in. I made sure I got all my books ready and my outfit ready for the first day of classes the night before so I didn't have to rush in the morning looking for everything.  Luckily I got a good nights sleep before the first day.  When I woke up I was a little nervous again because I didn't want to look like "that freshman" with my schedule out lost and having no idea where to do. But I found all of my classes okay and my first day went really well.

Going to college accomplishes everything you need for the future. I am hoping that I will get good grades in college, learn how to use my time wisely, make lots of new friends,  and become independent. I know I will accomplish a lot in college because I always work to my full potential. I think I will do well in college even though it may be a little overwhelming because I am also on the lacrosse team. I am just going to have to figure out how I am going to balance out lacrosse and my school work.