1) Do you think most college students come up with new ideas during times of reflection or by having an epiphany?
2) How can college students incorporate a creative mindset within their schooling?
3) What are ways college students can cultivate more creativity? How can this be important in the future?
In the Article "The Joy of Boredom" Richard Ralley talks about his studies on boredom. After studying boredom he realized that the most creative people are known to have the greatest toleration for long periods of uncertainty and bordeom. No one likes to be uncertain about anything, you want to be certain about every decision you make in life. When people are slogging away at an activity with little reward, they get annoyed and find themselves feeling bored. So, if they come across something more engaging, they move on. If nothing engaging comes along, they may be motivated enough to think something new of themselves.
This is why being creative is such a key characteristic to have. Getting bored is very common for teenagers and most teenagers hate being bored. It is known that younger people overcome boredom more naturally then older people. So as you get older, you don't quell bored as well as younger children. Not only is it hard to deal with boredom but I also think that when people are bored you don't get anything done. Bored people tend to sit around and not care much about anything. You want to be creative so you don't have to deal with being bored. Creative people cope with boredom so well because they have a mind of their own. When you are creative you always think of new ways to do something. All in all, it is better to be creative and think on your own, then be original and always being uncertain about everything.
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