Thursday, December 5, 2013

15B Preparing For Finals

I know I probably say this all the time, but I seriously can't believe how fast this semester went.  Thinking about finals makes me really nervous and stressed out.  Luckily I only have two finals and one of them I am already pretty confident about.  My first finally is for Math 100, which I should do pretty well on.  Then my last one is for Micro Economics and I am very nervous for this one.

Since I already feel pretty confident with my math final, I am not going to spend much time studying for it.  My teacher sent us a practice final exam so I will probably do the practice exam so I know that I am fully prepared to take the final.  I already started preparing myself for my micro economics finals.  I started making a little review sheet of everything we learned.  I like to study with flashcards so I might make some cards for some of the key terms I will have to know for the final.  After studying all the material I am going to take a the practice final exam that my teacher sent us so I am familiar with the questions that will be on the final.

I need to make sure I am studying in an quiet area so I can concentrate.  I usually study in my room but sometimes I get distracted, so if this happens I will probably go to the library to get most of my studying done. I just keep telling myself that after these finals the semester is over and I get to go home and relax.  
If I really prepare myself for these finals I should do well on them!

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