Friday, September 20, 2013

4B Inquiry Questions

  1. If someone knows that they procrastinate when it comes to doing their homework, what can they do fix this problem?
One of my biggest problems with school is that I always procrastinate. Sometimes I don't even realize that I am doing it until someone asks "Hey did you do your english paper?" Many college students have this problem and it is something that I believe is curable. Coming into college I told myself that I was going to fix my problem with procrastinating and so far I have been pretty good with not waiting until the last minute to do everything. What I have been doing was cutting myself off from doing anything until I finish my homework. For example on the weekends I like to watch football so on sundays I don't let myself watch football until I get most of my homework done. So if you are having problems with procrastinating you have to tell yourself that you can't go anywhere or do anything until you get your homework done. I know it doesn't sound too easy but once you start to get the hang of it you will always get your homework done and you will feel accomplished.

       2.  How does one build their self-control?

Self control is the ability to discipline the actions you take during your everyday life. Having self-control over a decision you make or an action you take is not an easy thing to do. I find that being on a diet and having the self-control to not eat any junk food can be difficult. One way to solve this problem is to think of the positives and negatives of eating whatever junk food you may be craving. For example when you are in the dining hall and you see a plate of cookies and a plate of apples, which one do you go for? The positives of eating a cookie are that they are probably a lot more tastier than an apple. But the negatives are that eating a cookie is more calories and you may regret it after you eat it. So after coming up with the positives and negatives of eating the cookie you might decide to be healthy and eat the apple. Self-control is not something that comes easy to everyone but when you put your mind to it you will be able to turn down the cookie!

"The power to resist temptation — to pass up dessert, to endure an unpleasant experience, to defer satisfaction — is our 'greatest human strength,'"(Resistance Training For Your 'Willpower' Muscles)

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